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[12th Anniversary] The Tradition to Respect and Love the Seniors - Nutrition Department 敬老愛老之愛的傳承

Writer's picture: CCACC - ADHCCCACC - ADHC

To celebrate the 12th anniversary of CCACC - ADHC, staff from different departments shared their most impressive and touching stories in the past 12 years. (ENG & CHN)

为庆祝欢乐日间保健中心成立12周年,欢乐各部门员工回忆这12年里的点点滴滴,记录下他们印象中最深刻的感人故事,特在这里与大家分享。 (中英文)

Nutrition Department

Everyone in the Nutrition Department loves to take care of the elders' diets, which is what our work all about. Everyone will grow old, and it should be everyone's duty to respect and love the elders.

With more and more cases of the COVID-19 reported in the US, adult daycare centers have been closed since this March. The seniors have no choice but to stay at home. They couldn’t participate in the daily healthcare programs, exercises, and other activities. But the goal of CCACC - ADHC is to care for the elders, and we have tried every means to meet their needs.

During the pandemic, we provide daily meal delivery services, which include breakfast, lunch, fruits, and vegetables. Mr. Li, from the Nutrition Department, has been going to the supermarket to replenish the food stocks every week since the pandemic, which is quite risky in terms of his own health under the current situation. However, he said: "For the elders' stable life and health, this is what I should do." And he takes the job willingly.

Since most elder people cannot eat white rice for health problems, the CCACC - ADHC has also started to prepare brown rice in our kitchen. Ms. Li and Ms. Chang, staff in the Nutrition Department, said that they have no problems with the hard work. They used to go to work at 9 am, but now they have to come to the center two hours earlier to cook brown rice for the seniors. However, they have never complained and have always made every meal carefully. Sometimes the restaurant forgets to send personalized meals for certain seniors, Ms. Li is always busy trying to find ways to meet the seniors’ requirements, such as cooking an egg and preparing some other veggies. They both said, "To satisfy the seniors' needs and make them happy are our greatest wishes!"

(The picture was taken on-site before the pandemic.)

Respecting and loving the old are the inheritance of love. We should start with ourselves, from the small things, and from now on. All our staff in the Nutrition Department of CCACC - ADHC will continue to do everything we can to help survive this unprecedented pandemic.








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