In response to the outbreak of 2019-nCoV infection in China, Association of Chinese American Physician, Mid-Atlantic Chapter (ACAP-Mac) and Chinese Culture and Community Service, Inc. (CCACC) release following announcement on February 4, 2020.
If you recently (within 2-3 weeks) returned from China, please stay at home for 14 days with limited contact with anyone, such as your family members, shopping or partying, and monitor symptoms of cough, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
If you contact any family or friend who returned from China, please protect yourself with general precautions: Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands frequently after contacting people or before eating; Avoid people who cough and sneeze, and wear masks if you have such symptoms; Carry a handkerchief or a small towel when going out and cover nose and mouth when cough and sneeze.
Get flu shot (if you have not) to reduce the chance of getting flu
Consider canceling any travel plan to China until it is safe to travel
Avoid situations where people gather such as parties, supermarket
If you have a history of travel to Wuhan and China and have symptoms such as coughing, fever, and gastroenterology symptoms: Call you doctor for consultation; Please note that your family doctors and urgent care centers are not equipped to diagnose and provide treatment relate to 2019-nCoV; Please wear masks; Please contact major hospitals (such as Holy Cross Hospital at Silver Spring, 301-754-7500; 1500 Forest Glen Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20910) for screening and treatment.
If you would like to know local regulations and resource relate to 2019-nCoV, please call Montgomery County Disease Control Hotline 240-777-7155; or call PAVHC 301-798-6001 for general information
Please follow the news for the update because the situation changes quickly: Center for Disease Control:; Maryland Department of Health:
如果你在最近2-3週內,從中國大陸回美,請您留在家裡14天;觀察自身的健康的情況。 留意相關症狀:如咳嗽,發熱,噁心,嘔吐和腹瀉。期間,請您盡量減少與任何人的接觸,包括你的家人。
請不要外出購物與參加聚會如果你近距離接觸了最近從中國大陸返美的人士,請您盡快做好保護措施:如接觸有症狀人士,或者吃東西前,請用無水清潔液(hand sanitizer),或用水和清潔劑清洗手。避免與咳嗽或打噴嚏的人士接觸。如你有這些症狀,請帶上醫用口罩如果沒有口罩,當你需要咳嗽和打噴嚏時,請用手帕,紙巾,或者用袖子擋住嘴巴。
如果你近期(14天內)有武漢及中國大陸旅行史,而且有咳嗽,發熱,腸胃系統的症狀,請致電你的家庭醫生詢問(請勿直接到診所);同時,請帶上口罩,以免傳染別人;如果需要治療,則需到本地醫院就診(如銀泉市的紅十字醫院, Holy Cross Hospital at Silver Spring: 1500 Forest Glen Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20910)
因疫情進展迅速,請隨時留意官方新聞,以及我們的及時更新:CDC網站:; 馬里蘭健康部:Maryland DOH: