Sep 15, 20203 min

Yesterday Once More: Sharing of Old Photos Online 昨日重現:歡樂網上舊照分享

(Scroll down for the videos and the article in Chinese version)

The Activity Department of CCACC Adult Day Healthcare Center has organized many online activities for the elderly, hoping that the seniors can participate as much as possible to live a colorful life in the days of quarantine. Every Thursday, after the most popular Online Bingo game, Hsiaoyin Chen and Huixing Lu from the CCACC-ADHC Social Work Department will join the elderly online. Sometimes we talk about daily life or discuss current affairs. Sometimes we provide seniors with the latest epidemic and medical information. We have also invited experts from the University of Chinese Medicine to share how to maintain health at home.

This Thursday, our social work team organized a special online event "Childhood Memories: Sharing Old Photos and Stories." We particularly collected many old photos from our colleagues and supervisors in advance as a way to get to know our familiar friends from another perspective and hope everyone can enjoy a good time.

People in the provided personal or family photos are full of vigor. However, the character contour is blurry because of years. The characters in the photos are vaguely familiar after experiencing a rich and meaningful life. There were some wrong guesses which made it hard

to stop laughing.

From the photo-sharing event, we also learned the unfamiliar experiences of our familiar friends. For example, Hsiaoyin Chen, our nice and sweet social worker, used to be the main player of the basketball team in college and won many competition trophies. Ned Li, the senior consultant of CCACC-ADHC, shared his family photos more than 70 years ago with us. It turns out that Ned's father was once Mr. Hercules, and his mother was also a great swimmer. No wonder that Ned is still active in the basketball hall although he is over 70. The family tradition of keeping fit has been passed down. Shuchun Wang, a senior in CCACC-ADHC, also shared a family photo with 6 family members through the lens and told us the stories behind this photo taken in 1974.

Time flies between talking and laughing. Everyone said he has not given full expression of his views yet. We will meet next Thursday and continue to share more photos and childhood memories to spend another fun day!



美京華人活動中心歡樂日間中心活動組,為耆老們准备了眾多的網上活動,希望耆老們盡量參與,让大家在隔離的日子裡,生活多一些色彩。每週四,在最受歡迎的BINGO遊戲以後,社工組的陳曉瑩和陸惠興就會上線,跟老人們网上相聚。我們或閒話家常,或討論時事. 有时候我们会给大家提供最新的疫情和醫療信息,我們也曾請來中醫大學的專家,分享居家養生之道。



從年少照片分享中,我們也了解到我們熟悉的朋友裡我們不熟悉的部分。比如我們平時斯文的社工陳曉瑩,原来大學校的時候是籃球隊的主力,得到過眾多的比賽獎杯。比如我们的“老”主任李潮,跟我們分享了他70多年前的家庭照。原來李爸爸曾是大力士,妈妈也是游泳健将。怪不得李主任年过70, 仍然活跃在篮球馆,強身健體的家風在一直傳承。歡樂的王淑純媽媽,也通過鏡頭分享了他們家,一家六口,攝於1974年的家庭照片,分享了以往。

